Sunday, July 31, 2011

Grateful Sunday Thoughts

Where to's been an entire month of non-blogging....July was filled to the fullest this year and will share all the pictures over this coming week.  Yet, as I look upon the past year since last July I have many reasons for gratitude.

1. My ever supporting family and husband.  There's no way we could have accomplished so much this past year without each other.  Starting anew has been the best thing for our family.
2. My friends - old and new.  They were there to support me in the beginning and continue to do so.  The new friends don't replace the old ones, but enhance those relationships that I miss dearly.
3. My jobs and bosses.  I can't say enough of the strong women who support me financially, emotionally and professionally.  From Maryland to Tennessee these incredible women have been amazing.
4. My own personal strength and growth.  Being able to be open to change and embracing it and making my own future.



  1. This is a beautiful post Toni.
    I am so happy to see that all of your hard work and determination is paying off for you. I know it wasn't easy to do what you did and I admire you for it.

  2. Yes, I noticed that you had been missing.....hope you get some rest in there somewhere!
