Tuesday, September 18, 2007

who am I again?

The past week has been a whirl-wind experience...between traveling for Viking Machine training, to getting in quality time with the family, I have had a hard time catching up on things just for me. Hoping this week I can do that.

I'm soo behind (again) on my blog list and not to mention my quilting projects. I have to design and have a wall quilt finished by this Saturday. . . I think I can do it!

Here's a picture from my weekend with the family:

L-R: Allen (son in Philly going to chef school), Fallon (his girlfriend), Brianna (freshmen in hs), Micheal (our oldest), Kevin (hubby), Jo (our 80's friend :), Kendra (our youngest), Me, Sati & Ric (close friends)

Now to get ready for work. . .


  1. You certainly have been busy. Hope things slow down enough for you to make that quilt by the deadline!

  2. Sometimes we make the best things when we haven't got alot of time!

  3. Boy you have been busy! Good luck with that deadline. Thanks for sharing the lovely family photo - always nice to see who we're reading about :O)
