Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ongoing stuff!

Have you seen this new Quilt Along?
P2 Modern Solids Quilt Along

Well, I have and I've decided to work outside my box a little and play along.  I picked up 2 different color ways and figured I would just back one quilt top with the other in the end.  We'll see how that works.  This is very "mod" and not in my quilting portfillo - yet.  I've seen other "modern" style fabrics and designs that I'm curious to do, but haven't crack that egg yet to jump into!  So, I think this is the perfect way to "test" the waters out - sorta speak.

Here are my colors, purple and chartreuse and turquoise and chartreuse (I love the green of course - it was brighter than the lime):

I'm also using a lighter grey and the pepper black for the remaining 2 colors. 

I spent yesterday afternoon CUTTING!  I mean lots of cutting!  My feet hurt from standing and ironing and cutting.  Did I mention I did a lot of cutting yesterday?  This doesn't even show all of it...just a mess of things:
Well, all that means is now I have A LOT of sewing to do - at least I'll be ready!!


  1. The quilt looks interesting. All that cutting and you didn't tell us what you are making.

  2. I see Christmas but I, too, am curious as to what you will be creating!

  3. Have fun off your feet today sewing....and sewing....!!

  4. sounds interesting. Did you post a link? I cannot visualize that type of quilt.

  5. Oooohhh! That purple and turquoise combo is TOTALLY MY colors!!! LOVE!

  6. I'm getting ready for the sew in too! I love your "mod" colors - can't wait to see what comes of those great colors! :)
