Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Not prepared this morning...

epp...have to run to the dentist (OUCH!) this morning and no time to take pictures and share....must think of something fun to share??

Here are a few flower shots from my garden in June...don't let the sunflower fool you---it only got about 3' high :)


DSC08067a DSC08065a

Off I go...good thing my dentist is cute otherwise I would not go....don't like dentists....


  1. LOL - about the Dentist. My previous dentists's name was Dr. Love. Huh? yep, Dr. Love. 8-))) Hope yours treats you well. 8-)

  2. your garden is beautiful. I too hate dentists. I reschedule everytime just to delay it.

  3. The flowers are lovely!! Ours are there....... a little worse for wear with the intermittent rain we've had up here. Looks like we are going to get storms again today.

    Dentists aren't my favorite either......... I just think about quilting while they do their thing.


  4. I don't like the dentist either. But better to go often and not have as many problems.

    I am impressed that you posted 8 days in a row. I can never manage that! I try for every other day and don't always make that either. lol
