Wednesday, March 05, 2008

3rd time is a charm....


I'm playing around, yet again with my layout - trying to bring over my beautiful graphics that Kim made for me and setting up shop here verses my server.

If you commented on the Manic Monday Offerings on my other blog, no worries, I keep the emails and you will be in the running. If you didn't comment, do so in this blog please. I know several folks weren't able to the past few weeks and I feel badly.

Please keep me posted if you have issues again, I appreciate everyone's help in this. I do miss many of my friends from blog land this past month - but I have made several new ones as well!


  1. Hi Toni

    I will update you on my Google reader. I think I had updated you on my blog but not on Google reader for the last move. I think I have it figured out now - I hope this works better for you..

    How's the Dear Jane going? Did you see the new group that formed to start one? They have a blog and are going to do a couple of blocks a week. I can send you the link if you need it.

    Have a good week

  2. Hi Toni - I've not been able to get on your other blog for a while and found this one by chance. I will save this web address now. Take care.
