Wednesday, January 23, 2008


what you can accomplish in a few hours of sewing....

  • I sewed 2 backings together

  • Quilted the table runner and attached the binding (need to finish the hand work of the binding)

  • Cleaned off my cutting table - I'm so proud of myself keeping on top of this, putting tools away in their new homes when I'm done and fabric in the "fabric" pile. By next weekend I hope that the fabric pile will be in it's own organized shelving units.

  • I'm ready for bed now, I've done a lot today with cleaning, laundry, and sewing. Need some zzzzzzz's.

    1 comment:

    1. Good for you, Toni. I have to keep things cleaned up because my sewing area is in the living room. Funny how that keeps one motivated to be neat. Ha!
