Sunday, May 27, 2007

le sigh. . .

I finally have given up on my wonderful home quilting frame system. It has beaten me and I don't have the patience anymore to use it. It was doomed from the start.

When I first got the frame pieces back in January it was missing 3 legs. So, I had to wait 3 weeks to get the legs to fully set it up. Then, the stitcher regulator wasn't working at all, so it took 3 months for it to be returned to me. With all this stuff over the past 5 months it hasn't been worth the price or time.

So, being it's still under 12 months I can take it back and get an "upgrade" to a new machine. I'm going to shoot for a Sapphire 850 and maybe a Designer 1, which means I will be selling my other machine to compensate in the price and sewing area space.

Maybe one day I will get a full long arm machine set up, but not until I have used one in person. I think I'm going to see if the boss at work can teach me the one we have there and see if it's just me or the system I purchased. Don't get me wrong, I still love my mega quilter and will most likely keep it for quilting, but the frame is going. It's been 5 months since I brought it home, I'm done.

So, I've been online surfing to see prices and what services are available for finishing my quilts. I have so many that need to be completed. I wish I knew someone personally who owned a long arm machine.

Oh well, back to cleaning up.


  1. Hi there! Where are you located? I'm on the Eastern Shore of MD and have an HQ16 mid/long arm setup and do some quilting for hire. Would love to talk to you about it.

    So sorry that things didn't work out with the Mega Quilter system. I thought about getting a similar Pfaff setup when I was looking at a system and opted for the HQ16 knowing that I would need the larger throat space.

  2. Jenni @ Fairybread5/28/2007 9:24 PM

    What a shame you are having problems with your frame. I feel that way about my computer at the moment. I have pushed it to the back of the desk and am using the laptop til I can calm down enough to take it to get fixed! I would love a quilting frame, and have recently decided that I don't want to attempt any more big quilts on my domestic machine. I will need to try out the quilters in the area, but can't help but think how the price of quilting could go toward a frame...

  3. Quilting Pirate5/29/2007 2:07 AM

    I'm located in the middle of Maryland. About 3 hours to OC.

    I think due to all the issues from the beginnging this was just doomed for me.

    I hope seriously one day to have a professional long arm, but not for a least a few years.

    Do you have a web site?

  4. Quilting Pirate5/29/2007 2:09 AM

    Hi Jenni,

    I hear you as well, I too have done the same thing with this frame. Worked on it and walked away for a day and tried something different. Oh well.

  5. Could you send me an email at - my blog addy is (I'm the one that you commented about my mystery quilt and tattoo today and I deleted them before I saw your post...LOL)

    I'm very close to Annapolis (just across the Bay in fact). You can take a look at my blog, some of the older posts have some of my quilting on them and if you look at the link to my pictures it'll bring up my webshots page.


  6. Hi quilting pirate :)
    Thanks for visiting my site, and finding me. Love your site. Keep up the good posts!
